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Small Business Insurance 101

By June 13, 2022August 2nd, 2022Insurance

As a small business owner, you know numerous risks are associated with owning and operating your own company. One way to protect yourself from some of these risks is by having small business insurance, sometimes called commercial insurance. But what is this type of insurance, and why do you need it? In this blog post, Granite Insurance will answer all your questions! Keep reading for everything you need to know about commercial insurance, then contact us to request a proposal

Coverage for Small Business Owners

Small business insurance is a type of insurance designed to protect businesses from financial losses. There are many different types of commercial insurance, and the coverages you need will depend on the specific risks associated with your business. Some of the most common coverages include property insurance, workers’ compensation, and general liability, but at Granite Insurance, we also offer much more.

The Benefits of Insuring Your Business

There are many benefits of small business insurance, the most important being financial protection in the event of a covered loss. Without commercial insurance, you would be responsible for paying any damages or legal fees out of your own pocket, which could quickly lead to financial ruin. Insurance also helps you protect your employees, customers, and vendors.

What Should You Be Asking Your Insurance Agent?

Not all small business insurance policies are created equal, so it’s important to work with an experienced agent who can tailor a policy to your specific needs. At Granite Insurance, our team can answer questions such as:

  • What types of coverage does my business need?
  • How much coverage do I need?
  • What is the policy deductible, and how does it work?
  • How do I file a claim?

Granite Insurance Is Here To Help

Now that you know a little more about small business insurance, we hope you’ll contact us at Granite Insurance to get started on a policy. We have extensive experience insuring small businesses throughout North Carolina and South Carolina, and we can help you select the coverages you need to protect your company adequately. Our team wants to help your business accomplish its goals, so request a proposal today to learn more about how Granite Insurance can help your business with insurance needs! 

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